Playing songs list are color-coded in four different background color.
- White background color(→ screen example)
Is the song in the specified tempo range. This song without coordinating with the tempo and play at the original speed. - Pale yellow background color(→ screen example)
Is the specified tempo range to adjust the tempo and play songs. Only when you Adjust play mode play mode will be displayed. Tempo adjustment values to the right end of the line ' original tempo ↓ playback tempo "of displays in the form. - A light gray background color(→ screen example)
Is a song to play for the specified tempo range. Only when you Skip play mode play mode will be displayed. - Dark grey background color(→ screen example)
It is non-playing songs. This song cannot be played Walking player. If you wanted to eliminate non-playing songs from the listPlay song list settings screenIn the turn OFF the 'listed non-play-aware songs. Mostly DRM(Copyright protection)Non-playing songs with songs. For more information of a song with DRM "I have a play and song is grayed out and cannot play?"Please refer to.